Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Before we can discover what our particular ministry in Christ is, we must first understand what the Bible means when it speaks of "ministry." "Ministry" is love in action. Jesus provided the pattern for Christian ministry--He came, not to receive service, but to give it. WHY? Because He loved the people He served. (see Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; John 13:1-17).
Active Missionaries
Rolando and Brenda Paniagua

The Paniagua family has been serving the area of Guatemala since 2009. Their ministerial impact reaches the local kids through food banks, bible studies and through prayer services at their local church.
Pastor ALexi George

Alexi Geroge is the Pastor at Adoor Vineyard Church in India. His passion and love for God has enabled him and his family to serve, and to become a beacon of light in the Kerala sector in India. You may learn about the ministry by following his blog or by following his PODCAST channel.
Pastor Samuel Kazungu
Matthew and Caroline Edelen

Bishop Dr. Samuel Kazungu oversee 37 churches in Kenya and nine churches in Burundi. He has planted churches in Kenya, Rwanda, and in Burundi. In 2002, he founded Jubilee Pentecostal Ministries. Through this ministry of vigorous preaching and teachings 25 churches have been planted in Kenya 2 in Rwanda and 7 in Burundi. The ministry is raising leaders and pastors ready for lay ministry.

After many years of ministry in the U.S. in the Washington D.C. area, the Lord called the Edelen family to SE Asia unreached people groups. They have lived and ministered in SE Asia for 6 years, primarily with a remote people group deep in the rainforest. They are expanding their focus to assist Bible translation and distribution efforts among 50 other languages in the same region, including training & mentoring native-speaker Bible translators and assisting the Scripture-use initiatives of national workers.